Αctivities and Αctions
The activities and actions of the TLLC-DUTH are defined as:
- Organization, development and provision of training programs including non-formal learning, continuous professional training, retraining, skills upgrading, adult general education, counseling, and vocational guidance programs, and lifelong learning programs for students, graduates of DUTH and the general population.
- Provision of contemporary knowledge and skills based on advancements in science, technology, the economy, and changes affecting employment structures, including emerging professions.
- Enhancement of adult education and training based on educational objectives and the achievement of specific learning outcomes according to European and international standards.
- Organization, development, and provision of programs in the form of winter and summer schools.
- Organization of conferences, seminars, and workshops on topics related to the Center’s activities.
- Development and production of printed and digital educational materials.
- Signing contracts to organize and implement programs for the employee training from the private or public sector.
- Conducting studies and providing opinions on issues related to the Center’s activities.
- Formulation of proposals for educational policy and the development of Lifelong Learning based on monitoring developments in the field, relevant European and national policies, and institutional changes and regulations.
- Entering into programmatic agreements related to actions of the Center.
- Collaboration with Training and Lifelong Learning Centers of other Higher Education Universities, foreign Universities, research and technological organizations under Article 13A of Law 4310/2014 (Government Gazette A’ 258), and other research and technological organizations for the development of joint educational actions.
- Certification of qualifications within the framework of developing a qualification certification system for the outcomes of non-formal and informal education and training.