Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a significant development in the course of humanity, which leads to the reconstruction of all human and social relations. In the legal field, AI has prompted the adoption of a series of regulations, on an international, regional and national level. It constitutes a brand new field and thus there are numerous queries arising which are not susceptible to clear or spontaneous answers. Only during the previous year, important developments in the field of AI have been recorded within the auspices of the United Nations (General Assembly resolution), the Council of Europe, as well as the European Union. Respectively, states proceed with the legal regulation of a field, which remains mainly uncharted. In this framework, this learning program will examine the key pillars, on which these regulatory attempts are based. First, it will analyze issues of legal personality, AI as a quasi subject of law, issues of responsibility arising from programming and use of AI applications, as well as international state obligations. Second, it will go through the current facets of problems related
to AI in everyday working life, both on the public and the private sector. Finally, it will attempt to explain which are those practices to be considered “good practices” for AI.
The program is taught in Greek.
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